<%@ CodePage="65001"%> <% Option Explicit %> <% 'set main banner class Dim bn_Action Set bn_Action = New BannerAction Dim pop_Action Set pop_Action = New PopupMgrAction Dim allRowBannerMaincooper, allRowCountBannerMaincooper, strCustIDMaincooper, strUSE_YNMaincooper, strMenuGubunMaincooper Dim strSlideTitle, strSlideUrl, strSlideImage, firstSlideTitle, firstSlideUrl, firstSlideImage1, firstSlideImage2, firstSlideImage3 ' initialize variable strCustIDMaincooper = 05001 strUSE_YNMaincooper = "Y" strMenuGubunMaincooper = "main" allRowBannerMaincooper = bn_Action.getMainBannerList(5, strCustIDMaincooper, strUSE_YNMaincooper, strMenuGubunMaincooper) If Not IsNull(allRowBannerMaincooper) Then allRowCountBannerMaincooper = UBound(allRowBannerMaincooper, 2) firstSlideTitle = CutString(allRowBannerMaincooper(0,0),10) firstSlideUrl = allRowBannerMaincooper(1,0) firstSlideImage1 = allRowBannerMaincooper(3,0)&allRowBannerMaincooper(2,0) If allRowCountBannerMaincooper > 0 Then firstSlideImage2 = allRowBannerMaincooper(3,1)&allRowBannerMaincooper(2,1) End If If allRowCountBannerMaincooper > 1 Then firstSlideImage3 = allRowBannerMaincooper(3,2)&allRowBannerMaincooper(2,2) End If For nLoop=0 To allRowCountBannerMaincooper strSlideTitle = strSlideTitle & CutString(allRowBannerMaincooper(0,nLoop),10) & "^" strSlideUrl = strSlideUrl & allRowBannerMaincooper(1,nLoop) & "^" strSlideImage = strSlideImage & allRowBannerMaincooper(3,nLoop)&allRowBannerMaincooper(2,nLoop) & "^" Next Erase allRowBannerMaincooper End If ' set class Dim rm_Action Set rm_Action = New RigthMenuAction ' initialize variable '커뮤니티(여행후기,자유게시판,초보질문방,포토갤러리,벼룩시장,토론방,부엉이캠프요청, '캠핑공지/신청,릴레이오토캠핑후기,블로그,UCC,다이아몬드클럽,전국오토캠핑대회 Dim allRowListComm1, allRowListComm2, allRowListComm3 ,allRowListComm4, allRowListComm5 Dim allRowListComm6, allRowListComm7, allRowListComm8 ,allRowListComm9, allRowListComm10 Dim allRowListComm11, allRowListComm12, allRowListComm13 Dim allListCountComm1, allListCountComm2, allListCountComm3, allListCountComm4, allListCountComm5 Dim allListCountComm6, allListCountComm7, allListCountComm8, allListCountComm9, allListCountComm10 Dim allListCountComm11, allListCountComm12, allListCountComm13 '캠핑Info(리뷰,장비소개, 국내 오토캠프장, 해외 오토캠프장, 부엉이 오토캠프장, 전국5일장&맛집, Travel Tip 'NEW 캠프장 등록 Dim allRowListCampInfo1, allRowListCampInfo1_1, allRowListCampInfo1_2 Dim allRowListCampInfo2, allRowListCampInfo2_1, allRowListCampInfo2_2, allRowListCampInfo2_3, allRowListCampInfo2_4 Dim allRowListCampInfo2_5, allRowListCampInfo2_6 Dim allRowListCampInfo3 ,allRowListCampInfo4, allRowListCampInfo5 Dim allRowListCampInfo6, allRowListCampInfo7, allRowListCampInfo8 Dim allListCountCampInfo1, allListCountCampInfo1_1, allListCountCampInfo1_2 Dim allListCountCampInfo2, allListCountCampInfo2_1, allListCountCampInfo2_2, allListCountCampInfo2_3, allListCountCampInfo2_4 Dim allListCountCampInfo2_5, allListCountCampInfo2_6 Dim allListCountCampInfo3, allListCountCampInfo4, allListCountCampInfo5 Dim allListCountCampInfo6, allListCountCampInfo7, allListCountCampInfo8 Dim allRowUccList, allRowPhtoGalleryList, allRowCafeList Dim allListUccCountR1, allListPhtoGalleryCountR2, allListCafeCountR3 Dim strRightUccBbsId1 : strRightUccBbsId1 = "B0091" Dim strRightPhtoGalleryBbsId1 : strRightPhtoGalleryBbsId1 = "B0083" Dim strRightCafeBbsId1 : strRightCafeBbsId1 = "B0103" allRowUccList = rm_Action.getListCamper(3, strRightUccBbsId1, CUST_ID, 100) allRowPhtoGalleryList = rm_Action.getListCamper(3, strRightPhtoGalleryBbsId1, CUST_ID, 100) allRowCafeList = rm_Action.getListCamper(3, strRightCafeBbsId1, CUST_ID, 100) Dim strRightCommBbsId1 : strRightCommBbsId1 = "B0081" Dim strRightCommBbsId2 : strRightCommBbsId2 = "B0079" Dim strRightCommBbsId3 : strRightCommBbsId3 = "B0080" Dim strRightCommBbsId4 : strRightCommBbsId4 = "B0083" Dim strRightCommBbsId5 : strRightCommBbsId5 = "B0085" Dim strRightCommBbsId6 : strRightCommBbsId6 = "B0086" Dim strRightCommBbsId7 : strRightCommBbsId7 = "B0088" Dim strRightCommBbsId8 : strRightCommBbsId8 = "B0089" Dim strRightCommBbsId9 : strRightCommBbsId9 = "B0087" Dim strRightCommBbsId10 : strRightCommBbsId10 = "B0090" Dim strRightCommBbsId11 : strRightCommBbsId11 = "B0091" Dim strRightCommBbsId12 : strRightCommBbsId12 = "B0090" Dim strRightCommBbsId13 : strRightCommBbsId13 = "B0092" Dim strRightCampInfoBbsId1 : strRightCampInfoBbsId1 = "B0113" Dim strRightCampInfoBbsId1_1 : strRightCampInfoBbsId1_1 = "B0114" Dim strRightCampInfoBbsId1_2 : strRightCampInfoBbsId1_2 = "B0115" Dim strRightCampInfoBbsId2 : strRightCampInfoBbsId2 = "B0095" Dim strRightCampInfoBbsId3 : strRightCampInfoBbsId3 = "B0096" Dim strRightCampInfoBbsId4 : strRightCampInfoBbsId4 = "B0097" Dim strRightCampInfoBbsId5 : strRightCampInfoBbsId5 = "B0100" Dim strRightCampInfoBbsId6 : strRightCampInfoBbsId6 = "B0098" Dim strRightCampInfoBbsId7 : strRightCampInfoBbsId7 = "B0099" Dim strRightCampInfoBbsId8 : strRightCampInfoBbsId8 = "B0116" '공지사항,오토캠핑뉴스,기업소식,칼럼 Dim allRowListR1, allRowListR2, allRowListR3 , allRowListR4 Dim allListCountR1, allListCountR2, allListCountR3, allListCountR4 Dim nLoop Dim strRightBbsId1 : strRightBbsId1 = "B0071" Dim strRightBbsId2 : strRightBbsId2 = "B0072" Dim strRightBbsId3 : strRightBbsId3 = "B0073" Dim strRightBbsId4 : strRightBbsId4 = "B0074" '요리교실,초보갬핑교실,DIY교실,만들기교실,서바이벌교실 Dim allRowListCamp1, allRowListCamp2, allRowListCamp3 , allRowListCamp4, allRowListCamp5 Dim allListCountCamp1, allListCountCamp2, allListCountCamp3, allListCountCamp4, allListCountCamp5 Dim strRightCampBbsId1 : strRightCampBbsId1 = "B0105" Dim strRightCampBbsId2 : strRightCampBbsId2 = "B0105" Dim strRightCampBbsId3 : strRightCampBbsId3 = "B0105" Dim strRightCampBbsId4 : strRightCampBbsId4 = "B0105" Dim strRightCampBbsId5 : strRightCampBbsId5 = "B0105" '이벤트 Dim allRowListEvent Dim allListCountEvent Dim strRightEventBbsId : strRightEventBbsId = "B0117" '선물관리 Dim allRowListPresent Dim allRowPresentCount Dim strPresentBBS_ID : strPresentBBS_ID = "B0124" allRowListComm1 = rm_Action.getListCamper_New(7, strRightCommBbsId1, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListComm2 = rm_Action.getListCamper(7, strRightCommBbsId2, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListComm3 = rm_Action.getListCamper(7, strRightCommBbsId3, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListComm4 = rm_Action.getListCamper(7, strRightCommBbsId4, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListComm5 = rm_Action.getListCamper(7, strRightCommBbsId5, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListComm6 = rm_Action.getListCamper(7, strRightCommBbsId6, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListComm7 = rm_Action.getListCamper(7, strRightCommBbsId7, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListComm8 = rm_Action.getListCamper(7, strRightCommBbsId8, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListComm9 = rm_Action.getListCamper(7, strRightCommBbsId9, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListComm10 = rm_Action.getListCamper(7, strRightCommBbsId10, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListComm11 = rm_Action.getListCamper(7, strRightCommBbsId11, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListComm12 = rm_Action.getListCamper(7, strRightCommBbsId12, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListComm13 = rm_Action.getListCamper(7, strRightCommBbsId13, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListCampInfo1 = rm_Action.getListCamper(1, strRightCampInfoBbsId1, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListCampInfo1_1 = rm_Action.getListCamper(1, strRightCampInfoBbsId1_1, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListCampInfo1_2 = rm_Action.getListCamper(1, strRightCampInfoBbsId1_2, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListCampInfo2 = rm_Action.getListCampSch(1, strRightCampInfoBbsId2, CUST_ID, 100,"bmABB1") allRowListCampInfo2_1 = rm_Action.getListCampSch(1, strRightCampInfoBbsId2, CUST_ID, 100,"bmABB2") allRowListCampInfo2_2 = rm_Action.getListCampSch(1, strRightCampInfoBbsId2, CUST_ID, 100,"bmABB7") allRowListCampInfo2_3 = rm_Action.getListCampSch(1, strRightCampInfoBbsId2, CUST_ID, 100,"bmABB3") allRowListCampInfo2_4 = rm_Action.getListCampSch(1, strRightCampInfoBbsId2, CUST_ID, 100,"bmABB4") allRowListCampInfo2_5 = rm_Action.getListCampSch(1, strRightCampInfoBbsId2, CUST_ID, 100,"bmABB5") allRowListCampInfo2_6 = rm_Action.getListCampSch(1, strRightCampInfoBbsId2, CUST_ID, 100,"bmABB6") allRowListCampInfo3 = rm_Action.getListCamper(3, strRightCampInfoBbsId3, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListCampInfo4 = rm_Action.getListCamper(3, strRightCampInfoBbsId4, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListCampInfo5 = rm_Action.getListCamper(3, strRightCampInfoBbsId5, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListCampInfo6 = rm_Action.getListCamper(3, strRightCampInfoBbsId6, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListCampInfo7 = rm_Action.getListCamper(3, strRightCampInfoBbsId7, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListCampInfo8 = rm_Action.getListCamper(3, strRightCampInfoBbsId8, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListR1 = rm_Action.getListCamper(4, strRightBbsId1, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListR2 = rm_Action.getListCamper(4, strRightBbsId2, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListR3 = rm_Action.getListCamper(4, strRightBbsId3, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListR4 = rm_Action.getListCamper(4, strRightBbsId4, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListCamp1 = rm_Action.getListCampSch(1, strRightCampBbsId1, CUST_ID, 100,"bmABG1") allRowListCamp2 = rm_Action.getListCampSch(1, strRightCampBbsId1, CUST_ID, 100,"bmABG2") allRowListCamp3 = rm_Action.getListCampSch(1, strRightCampBbsId1, CUST_ID, 100,"bmABG3") allRowListCamp4 = rm_Action.getListCampSch(1, strRightCampBbsId1, CUST_ID, 100,"bmABG4") allRowListCamp5 = rm_Action.getListCampSch(1, strRightCampBbsId1, CUST_ID, 100,"bmABG5") allRowListEvent = rm_Action.getListCamper(3, strRightEventBbsId, CUST_ID, 100) allRowListPresent = rm_Action.getListCamper(3, strPresentBBS_ID, CUST_ID, 100) If Not IsNull(allRowListR1) Then allListCountR1 = UBound(allRowListR1, 2) For nLoop=0 To allListCountR1 Next End If Dim allRowPopupMgr, allRowPopupMgrCount Dim strDate strDate = Date() allRowPopupMgr = pop_Action.getListPopup(strDate) '날짜 %> <% If Not IsNull(allRowPopupMgr) Then dim strcookie, filename1, filename2, filename3, filename4, filename5, filename6 Dim home_dir, upload_dir, imgfs, img_url, p, xo1, yo1, xo2, yo2, xo3, yo3, xo4, yo4, xo5, yo5, xo6, yo6 , xo, yo allRowPopupMgrCount = UBound(allRowPopupMgr, 2) home_dir = server.mappath("\") For nLoop = 0 to allRowPopupMgrCount strcookie = allRowPopupMgr(1, nLoop) filename1 = allRowPopupMgr(4, nLoop) filename2 = allRowPopupMgr(5, nLoop) filename3 = allRowPopupMgr(6, nLoop) filename4 = allRowPopupMgr(7, nLoop) filename5 = allRowPopupMgr(8, nLoop) filename6 = allRowPopupMgr(9, nLoop) upload_dir = allRowPopupMgr(10, nLoop) xo1 = 0 yo1 = 0 xo2 = 0 yo2 = 0 xo3 = 0 yo3 = 0 xo4 = 0 yo4 = 0 xo5 = 0 yo5 = 0 xo6 = 0 yo6 = 0 xo = 0 yo = 0 If filename1 <> "" Then Set imgfs = server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") img_url = "D:\WEBRoot\2009_Renew\autocamping_2009_Web\" & Replace(upload_dir, "../", "") & "\" & filename1 Set p = LoadPicture(img_url) xo1 = CLng(CDbl(p.width)*24/635) yo1 = CLng(CDbl(p.height)*24/635) Set p = Nothing Set imgfs = nothing xo = xo1 End If If filename2 <> "" Then Set imgfs = server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") img_url = "D:\WEBRoot\2009_Renew\autocamping_2009_Web\" & Replace(upload_dir, "../", "") & "\" & filename2 Set p = LoadPicture(img_url) xo2 = CLng(CDbl(p.width)*24/635) yo2 = CLng(CDbl(p.height)*24/635) Set p = Nothing Set imgfs = Nothing If xo < xo2 Then xo = xo2 End If End If If filename3 <> "" Then Set imgfs = server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") img_url = "D:\WEBRoot\2009_Renew\autocamping_2009_Web\" & Replace(upload_dir, "../", "") & "\" & filename3 Set p = LoadPicture(img_url) xo3 = CLng(CDbl(p.width)*24/635) yo3 = CLng(CDbl(p.height)*24/635) Set p = Nothing Set imgfs = nothing If xo < xo3 Then xo = xo3 End If End If If filename4 <> "" Then Set imgfs = server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") img_url = "D:\WEBRoot\2009_Renew\autocamping_2009_Web\" & Replace(upload_dir, "../", "") & "\" & filename4 Set p = LoadPicture(img_url) xo4 = CLng(CDbl(p.width)*24/635) yo4 = CLng(CDbl(p.height)*24/635) Set p = Nothing Set imgfs = nothing If xo < xo4 Then xo = xo4 End If End If If filename5 <> "" Then Set imgfs = server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") img_url = "D:\WEBRoot\2009_Renew\autocamping_2009_Web\" & Replace(upload_dir, "../", "") & "\" & filename5 Set p = LoadPicture(img_url) xo5 = CLng(CDbl(p.width)*24/635) yo5 = CLng(CDbl(p.height)*24/635) Set p = Nothing Set imgfs = nothing If xo < xo5 Then xo = xo5 End If End If If filename6 <> "" Then Set imgfs = server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") img_url = "D:\WEBRoot\2009_Renew\autocamping_2009_Web\" & Replace(upload_dir, "../", "") & "\" & filename6 Set p = LoadPicture(img_url) xo6 = CLng(CDbl(p.width)*24/635) yo6 = CLng(CDbl(p.height)*24/635) Set p = Nothing Set imgfs = nothing If xo < xo6 Then xo = xo6 End If End If yo = yo1 + yo2 + yo3 + yo4 + yo5 + yo6 if strcookie = "Y" then If xo > 300 Then xo = 300 Else xo = xo + 20 End If If yo > 600 Then yo = 600 Else yo = yo + 20 End If %> <% else If xo > 300 Then xo = 300 Else xo = xo + 20 End If If yo > 600 Then yo = 600 End If %> <% end if next end if %>

<% IF Request("mode") <> "test" Then %>

전국 5일장 날씨 환율 주가정보 뉴스

<% Dim allRowRecom, allRecomCount, intRecom allRowRecom = rm_Action.getMainRecom() %>

    <% If Not IsNull(allRowRecom) Then allRecomCount = UBound(allRowRecom,2) For intRecom = 0 To allRecomCount %>
  • <%=allRowRecom(0,intRecom)%>
  • <% Next Erase allRowRecom Else %>
  • 관리자에서 선택된 글이 없습니다.
  • <% End If %>
<%End If%> <% 'Dim allRowRecom, allRecomCount, intRecom allRowRecom = rm_Action.getPointKing(3) %>
    <% Dim intC intC =1 If Not IsNull(allRowRecom) Then allRecomCount = UBound(allRowRecom,2) For intRecom = 0 To allRecomCount %>
  • <%=allRowRecom(3,intRecom)&" ("&allRowRecom(0,intRecom)&")"%> <%=allRowRecom(2,intRecom)%>
  • <% intC = intC + 1 Next Erase allRowRecom Else %>
  • 현재 모든회원은 0 포인트 입니다.
  • <% End if %>